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A Day in the Life of Molly

For the Month of December we will be posting to our blog every other week. In keeping with the festive spirit our topics this month will be lighthearted as well.

This week we feature a day in the life of North Heritage Animal Hospital’s Clinic Cat Molly.

Molly came to us slated for euthanasia (and almost 2x her current weight!) as her owner was moving to the west coast and unable to take Molly with her. She had been trying to re-home her for months without success and had run out of options as she was leaving the next day. Rather than proceed with a euthanasia we offered to have her owner surrender Molly to the clinic with the idea that we would try to re-home her as well. Molly was only at the clinic for 1 week before it became clear that a search for a new home had been called off. Molly was now a permanent “Staff Member” and resident.

Without further adieu, a photo diary of a day in the life of Molly (try not to feel too bad for her, this was an unusually difficult day).

8:45 am-Molly can be heard greeting the first staff member in the clinic the minute they walk in the door, eager and ready to start her jam-packed day.

10:00 am- The excitement of starting the day has already exhausted poor Molly. Time for a nap in her favourite place at our reception desk.

11am-Being the resident celebrity at the clinic is hard. The paparazzi are relentless.

No pictures please!

12:15 am- Finally the morning rush is slowing.

1:15pm-Time to roll over and give

the other side some air.

2:15pm-Snack time.

She certainly earned this little treat!

3:15pm- Playtime.

Toys and Staff to keep Molly amused.

3:30pm-Molly is showing off her stamina.

Still playing after 15 minutes.

3:45pm-All that playing has worked up an appetite. She is patiently waiting for dinner.

6:30pm-The end of another hard day at the office. Who knows what exciting adventures

tomorrow will bring

It’s a rough life but some cat has to do it!

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